Busy Parent’s Guide to Having Kids Home All Summer

Millions of working parents all face the same dilemma with their children during summer months–without school, what should kids do? Juggling babysitters, daycare, and summer camp can be stressful, but it’s important to make the most out of the time you have with them in the warmer months. Nice weather means there are usually more things to do!

Get A Planner
The first thing parents should do when keeping track of summer schedules is finding a great planner to stay organized. If your child is starting a new camp in a few weeks, make sure you have a record of it somewhere to keep track. Planners are vital if you have more than one child, as their age gap probably prohibits them from doing all activities together. Planners can help make sure that your child’s summer isn’t wasted watching television or playing on a tablet. Involving them in the planning process can help you both find activities worth spending time and money on.

Start a Flexible Summer Schedule
If your employer is open to it, see if they let you start a more flexible summer schedule so you can spend some more hours at home. With high school and college students off for the summer as well, explore your options for babysitting during the hours you’ll need to be at work. Sometimes, you can even pair up with another working parent to find a babysitter that can take care of both kids at a lower cost to both parties.

Find Events to Attend
You don’t want to miss those special summer fairs and pop-up events that only come around once a year. Find social media sites that promote local events happening in your area to stay in the loop about what’s happening on the weekends. Check out your public library for flyers about local events, or even to find out about free educational events they often hold in the summer.

Explore Local Green Spaces
Kids love getting dirty, and taking them out into nature is great for your stress levels and their boundless energy. Take a walk before or after dinner at a park, or explore nature reserves on weekends. Take the time to get away from screens and into the current moment. Showing your children unspoiled nature at a young age helps them to appreciate it once they’re older.

Try a New Hobby
As your kids grow up, they’re finding out who they are and what they’re interested in. Support their imagination and help them pursue new hobbies, whether that’s through enrolling in classes or spending quality time on weekends learning with them.

Involve Them In Housework
There are seemingly always things around the house that need to get done. Within their capabilities, involving kids in your to-do list helps you check things off as well as spend time with your child. The skills kids learn from their parents aren’t taught in school, and you’ll be thankful they can land on their own two feet when they move out and don’t call asking how to change a lightbulb.