Budget Friendly Tips to Decrease Your Company’s Carbon Footprint

Large corporations looking to save money, improve their image, and even do their part to save the planet have turned to experts on how to make their organization more environmentally conscious. As climate change becomes harder to ignore every year, customers and clients are choosing to do business with sustainable companies. Beyond “going green” by printing less, there are many ways to decrease the impact your company has on the environment. And most of them can save you money, too.

Install Renewable Energy Sources
Something as simple as a few solar panels can have a huge impact on your electric bill. That’s why so many corporations have started installing solar on their campuses. The ROI for renewables is significant as well, as they can be paid off in a few years. Most solar panels will realize 10-30% annual returns after they’re paid off.

Motion Sensored Lights
The majority of your office’s carbon footprint likely comes from your energy usage. Though you might not be able to control what powers your building, you can control how much energy you drain from it. Motion Sensored lighting automatically turns off when no one is in the room, which reduces the amount of energy wasted from keeping lights on all the time. It also mitigates the security risk of keeping lights off, as they’ll automatically turn on when someone’s in the building.

LEED Certification
In California, water is scarce, so conservation is a necessity. If your company needs guidance on how to begin to conserve more water and create a sustainable building, look into LEED Certification. It’s a set of guidelines that combines energy, water, and material usage to ensure your building meets the sustainability standards of the modern world. As this is a priority for Barrister Executive Suites, several landlords go beyond the requirements set in place by LEED guidelines. Hines and Douglas Emmett have outstanding records to model after.

Shut Down & Unplug Policies
Developing clear and concise policies for your organization’s sustainability practices helps get everyone on the same page about how they can do their part. For example, once employees leave the office, they should make sure their computers are shut down, not on standby mode. All nonessential items should be unplugged when they’re not in use, as electricity is still drawn from the wall. The Department of Energy estimates that devices plugged into the wall on standby mode can account for up to 10% of your electricity bill.

Green Your Breakroom
Lots of waste can occur in the break room–and not just your time! Purchase reusable utensils, plates, and cups for a one-time expense that keeps single-use plastic out of landfills. Encourage employees to put names and dates on food to limit waste. About 40% of food in the United States is never consumed and it creates methane gas in landfills, a potent and dangerous greenhouse gas. Make sure employees know which items can and should be recycled with clear signs that your recycling service can likely supply for you.