As America’s pastime, baseball plays a part in most people’s lives. Barrister Executive Suites, Inc. is proud to support American Legion Baseball, specifically Post 492, District 22.
20+ Year Barrister office space manager, Michelle Bailey, is both a military brat and baseball fanatic. Her husband, Michael, shares a similar background. His father co-founded the Mott-Leeney Baseball Camp (over 50 years in business) and Michael played baseball at the U.S. Naval Academy until he graduated in 1986. Today Michael is the head coach for the District 22 Hoover Panthers, who won the 2023 Area Championship in San Diego. After progressing to the 2023 State Championship at UCLA Jackie Robinson Stadium, like all teams that reach that level, the Panthers took on the name of a military branch, theirs being the Coast Guard. Although they did not progress to the American Legion World Series, Barrister Executive Suites, Inc. is so proud of what the Panthers did this season and looks forward to seeing how far they go in the seasons to come!