3 Ways to Have a More Productive Workspace

co-workers looking at a laptop

Many of us suffer from the occasional Monday blues, but it’s a problem when the Monday blues become the Monday through Friday blues. Although it may seem daunting, ensuring that your employees remain inspired and energized all week long can be done in a few simple ways.

1. Create an Open Culture

A culture that promotes honesty, transparency, and open-mindedness can get your employees back on a productive track. In this type of culture, it’s important for employers to be able to admit when they are wrong and take constructive criticism from their employees. When the entire company feels like a team and no one is trying to maintain their ego, then this will encourage everyone to be a team player, do their best work, and remain inspired.

2. Encourage Risk Taking

When there is a decision that needs to be made that has a 60 percent chance of success and a 40 percent chance of failure, then the employee should take this risk. Company cultures that meet failure with harsh criticism will not be one that takes risk. Why take these risks you may ask? Employees that are able to make risky decisions feel more confident at work and think more innovatively.

3. Acknowledge Good Work

This simple idea of telling your employees “good job” can have a major impact on their overall happiness and productivity at work. The acknowledgment of good work is the positive reinforcement that gives employees that little extra push to keep working hard. This is an easy way to boost productivity in the workplace and requires very little time.

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Source: Entrepreneur