Take a second to think about how often you hear about how important networking is versus actually networking. Chances are you spend too much time thinking about it and not enough time doing it. Let’s face it, if you’re not actively networking, you are missing out on tons of missed opportunities that could be helping […]
Author Archives: Barrister Suites
A tidy office is a happy office, and also improves workplace productivity. On average, a typical employee will miss nine days of work due to illness, which may be related to poor workplace cleanliness. At any point in time, up to 7,500 bacteria can be present on an office keyboard, a place where many of […]
Los Angeles, CA – Barrister Executive Suites, Inc. prides itself on being a company that gives back to the community. Many of the chosen charities lay near and dear to the hearts of clients and employees at Barrister, and each charity’s mission is centered on helping others and lifting up the surrounding community. The organizations […]
Whether you are a new business looking for the perfect office location or an established company just looking for a cost-efficient upgrade, consider why a shared office model is the way to go. Barrister didn’t hop on the coworking bandwagon when the shared economy started trending – we pioneered the shared office model in Southern […]
Email is a great tool to get things done quickly, but it can become overwhelming and suck hours out of your day. Emails can easily pile up and take over your inbox, making you feel like email controls whether or not you get things done. With a new year beginning, it’s the perfect time to […]
Los Angeles is known for its strong business community and is unlike any other city in the United States. Many businesses want to work near downtown Los Angeles, but don’t want to incur the costs associated with having headquarters in a big city. We collected a list of the best cities to run your business […]
A Zen office environment can have a profound effect on the rest of your work day. Let’s face it, work can be stressful at times, and it is very easy to forget to breathe and stay calm. By adding or doing small things throughout your busy day, you’ll start to notice a positive difference. 1. […]
Virtual offices help create an exceptional first impression for your business. Barrister Executive Suites has virtual office and business address packages in 26 prestigious locations around Southern California. Choose from one of the five virtual office packages that we offer, and if you can’t find just one that is perfect for your business needs, don’t […]
Today’s business environment is becoming more demanding now than ever on professionals, leaving less time to take a moment and re-center yourself. If you’ve ever worked in an office with endless rows of gray cubicles and an uninspiring break room, you probably weren’t excited to get to the office each day. Your environment has a […]
The key to working smarter, not harder is using the tools at your disposal. To increase your business’s visibility and sales, it’s traditionally thought that face-to-face networking and relationship building is key. While this is still true, the way to meet new prospects and connections has evolved. Here are a few ways to network better. […]