Author Archives: Barrister Suites

Fundamental Changes to the Way We Work

Fundamental Changes to the Way We Work

Once upon a time, work was a destination, not a verb, and the economy was built on regular, long-time employees.  A person took a 9-5 job in his or her 20s and stayed there until s/he was ready to retire.   Those days are all but gone!  Today’s workforce is far more fragmented, varied, and diverse. […]

Plants in the workplace

Plants in the office

Plants in the office do offer more than sprucing up the place.  Decades of research has shown that contact with vegetation and plants, in a variety of contexts, is highly beneficial to human beings.  We invite you to explore some of the benefits that comes from having plants in the workplace. Provide cleaner air: The […]

How much is too much process?

Processes are designed to help companies grow, develop best practices, and improve efficiency. If they’re not regularly evaluated, however, they can quickly get out of control.  Too much emphasis on process can stifle innovation and creativity. In a study of U.S. and European companies, the Boston Consulting Group found that “over the past fifteen years, […]

Are you taking the breaks you need at work?

We live in a fast-paced world, and our work environments are no different.   Not surprisingly, many individuals don’t take proper breaks during their average work day. Some even skip a lunch break entirely, or eat while working.  The lack of breaks can increase depending on the industry, a company’s given policy, and if there is […]

Ready for the next step? Transitioning from freelancer to entrepreneur

Transitioning from Freelancer to Entrepreneur

There are 53 million Americans freelancing today, and collectively they are earning $715 billion a year. * While these numbers may look impressive, they actually indicate that a given freelancer is only bringing in $13,490.56 a year.  Not surprisingly, some individuals are wondering if they should make the move from part-time freelancing to full-time entrepreneur. […]

Healthier Ways to Get Over The Afternoon Slump

Many of us experience it on a regular basis.  You’re having a productive morning and feel energized and on task.  Then sometime in the early mid-afternoon, a wave of sleepiness suddenly hits and you’re yawning and fighting to keep our eyes open.  It’s the “afternoon slump!” The afternoon slump is perfectly natural and normal. It’s […]

Summer Dress Code: Do’s and Don’ts

Summer dress code tips

Summer is officially here, and that means longer days and warmer weather.  Many offices have a more relaxed summer dress code, but the line between casual and inappropriate may not always be clear.  A number of businesses, particularly those that are small or creative environments, don’t have a dress code policy in place. Others have […]