Category Archives: Article

October Employee Spotlight: Jacqui Jansen

Caregivers play a very important role in the lives of any cancer patient. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we wanted to give a special shout out to one of our Teammates for her amazing volunteer work in helping the patients and family members in their fights against breast cancer. Assistant Vice President, Jacqui […]

How to Run a Highly Efficient Meeting

Running a Highly Efficient Meeting

Creating a cohesive team dynamic demands face time with the people in your workplace. Daily or weekly meetings with coworkers or employees can cost time and money if they’re used inefficiently. A ten-minute meeting between six employees is the equivalent of an hour of your company’s time–a resource that must be spent consciously. So, whether […]

Budget Friendly Tips to Decrease Your Company’s Carbon Footprint

Large corporations looking to save money, improve their image, and even do their part to save the planet have turned to experts on how to make their organization more environmentally conscious. As climate change becomes harder to ignore every year, customers and clients are choosing to do business with sustainable companies. Beyond “going green” by […]

Busy Parent’s Guide to Having Kids Home All Summer

Millions of working parents all face the same dilemma with their children during summer months–without school, what should kids do? Juggling babysitters, daycare, and summer camp can be stressful, but it’s important to make the most out of the time you have with them in the warmer months. Nice weather means there are usually more […]