Tag Archives: Barrister Executive Suites

Golden Eagle Goes Green

Leading the trend towards increased sustainability, international real estate firm, Hines, challenged tenants at Golden Eagle Plaza in downtown San Diego to “green” their office as part of their company-wide program. The firm announced its Hines GO (Green Office) Program to the tenants at 525 B Street in June. Since then, about 80% of the […]

Barrister Executive Suites, Inc. congratulates Carrie Gates on her success as OBCAI President

Congratulations go out to our own Carrie Gates, Vice President of Leasing & Marketing for her outstanding success as 2009 President of Office Business Center Association International (OBCAI).  We were honored to have a member of our team elected by her industry peers and colleagues to serve as President, and congratulate her for the outstanding […]

Barrister Executive Suites, Inc. congratulates L.A.C.R.A. on the 23rd Annual Broker Challenge.

The LACRA (Los Angles County Realtor Association) Broker Challenge has been an annual tradition among the local Commercial Real Estate community for over 23 years. The charity fundraising event is a fun filled way for real estate professionals to enjoy some camaraderie and healthy competition, while giving back to the community. The annual event, which […]